Affordable Coverage
Florida KidCare coverage is income-based and offers options for all income levels. Most families pay nothing at all and many pay as little as $15 or $20 per month.
Monthly payment costs are based on a child’s age, household size and adjusted gross annual income. Florida KidCare coverage is available to families at all income levels.
per month
CHIP Subsidy
$15 or $20
per month
$248.21 or $259.50
per month per child
Some families will qualify for low-cost Florida KidCare coverage through the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). With CHIP, the government pays part of your monthly payment amount. This is called a subsidy. The government decides who qualifies for CHIP coverage, based on a formula called the federal poverty level. The federal poverty level is used to determine who qualifies for many public programs.
Children in families with household incomes between 133% and 200% of the federal poverty level qualify for CHIP coverage. Families who qualify for CHIP coverage pay just $15 or $20 per month to cover all eligible children in the household. Families earning more qualify for other Florida KidCare options.
Children who don’t qualify for CHIP may qualify for other Florida KidCare coverage called full-pay. The Florida Healthy Kids and MediKids plans both offer full-pay coverage. Full-pay coverage has the same benefits as CHIP, but you pay the full monthly payment amount every month for each covered child because there is no subsidy. Currently, there is no full-pay option for the CMS Health Plan.
Some health care services require a small additional fee called a copay. When required, copays are never more than $10. Unlike many other health plans, there is no deductible with Florida KidCare. With affordable monthly payments and little to no copays, there are no hidden fees or unexpected costs. Our goal is to ensure all Florida's children have access to the services they need when they need them.
Florida KidCare will automatically match children with the best fit Florida KidCare program.
Estimate Your Cost
If you’re interested in applying for Florida KidCare coverage for your child(ren), use this simple cost calculator to estimate what your monthly premium payment would be.