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Affordable Coverage Made Just for Kids

Use our Cost Calculator to estimate your monthly payment.

Affordable Coverage Made Just for Kids

Use our Cost Calculator to estimate your monthly payment.

Cost Calculator

Most Florida children from birth until the 19th birthday qualify for head-to-toe coverage with Florida KidCare, even if one or both parents are working. If you’re interested in applying for Florida KidCare coverage for your child(ren), use this simple cost calculator to estimate what your monthly payment would be. 

To qualify for Florida KidCare coverage, a child must be a U.S. citizen, an eligible immigrant or a lawful permanent resident and meet all other eligibility requirements. 

Review the 2024 General Annual Income Guidelines here. 

Important: Your results are subject to the accuracy of the information provided. This calculator does not guarantee the acceptance of any application, nor does it determine eligibility.

Estimate Your Monthly Payment

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