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Healthy Kids Press Contact
Ashley Carr, Chief Marketing Officer,
(850) 701-6160, [email protected].


Apr 16, 2012
Florida KidCare Reaches Historic Milestone: 2 Million Enrollments

by Healthy Kids Press Contact
Ashley Carr, Chief Marketing Officer,
(850) 701-6160[email protected].
First Time Program Insures So Many Florida Kids

Tallahassee – For the first time ever, more than 2 million Florida children in March were enrolled in Florida KidCare, the state’s high-quality, low-cost health insurance program for children. The program reached the historic milestone when it provided new insurance coverage for almost 12,000 children.

“That’s 2 million kids who are seeing doctors, receiving essential prescriptions, getting their teeth examined – kids who now have a better chance to become healthy, productive adults. That’s 2 million kids who wouldn’t have this opportunity for a healthier life if not for KidCare,” said Rich Robleto, executive director of Florida Healthy Kids, one of the KidCare partners.

Florida KidCare provides free or low-cost insurance coverage for children ages 0-18, regardless of household income. KidCare is made up of Florida Healthy Kids, MedicaidMediKids and Children’s Medical Services Network (CMS).

All four KidCare partners enjoyed enrollment growth from February to March, producing a combined gain of 11,819 children – enough to push total enrollment to 2,008,877.

“The benefits of health insurance coverage for children are numerous, and reaching 2 million enrollments is a milestone,” said Liz Dudek, secretary of the Agency for Health Care Administration, which oversees the Medicaid and MediKids program. “The Florida KidCare partnership has been one of the most effective tools to improve the well-being of Florida’s children, and working together we will continue to provide an affordable insurance option for coverage.”

As of the end of March, enrollment in the four KidCare partner programs is as follows:

  • Florida Healthy Kids (ages 5-18: 230,976
  • FMedicaid (birth through age 18): 1,721,220
  • FMediKids (ages 1-4): 33,254
  • FCMS Network (special needs, to age 18): 23,427

Healthy Kids Press Contact,
Ashley Carr, Chief Marketing Officer,
(850) 701-6160, [email protected].