Access for All Florida's Children
Learn about children's health care coverage throughout the state.
Florida's Uninsured Eligible and Enrolled Children
The first two tabs of this interactive data visualization (Census Zip Code Data and Census County Data) can be used as a guide to identify communities around the state where Florida KidCare outreach and education may help reduce the number of uninsured children.
To view the data, simply select the desired tab in the top left corner, and then select the Map or year parameters. The county level data are the result of 1-Year Estimates from the US Census, and the Zip Code data are the result of 5-Year Estimates.
The last two tabs (Enrollment by Plan and Enrollment by Program) can be used to view enrolled children. Enrollment by Plan displays current enrollment for each of the Florida Healthy Kids health and dental plans. Enrollment by Program displays enrollment for all three programs of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP): MediKids, Florida Healthy Kids and Children’s Medical Services (CMS) Health Plan (to exclude Medicaid).
View Benefits by County.
CHIP Eligible = Children estimated to be eligible for Title XXI/subsidized coverage through one of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) programs: MediKids, Florida Healthy Kids and Children’s Medical Services (CMS) Health Plan